You can't just load an HTML page using simplexml_load_file(), however, as even valid HTML isn't XML. 但是不能只使用simplexmlloadfile()加载HTML页面,因为即使是有效的HTML,它仍然不是XML。
The load file set file scan retain the original slot file names, since it is not required to have a specific order for processing. 加载文件集的文件扫描保了留原始的数据槽文件名,因为并不需要按照特定顺序处理文件。
This was especially dangerous, because Internet Explorer, when it viewed a Web page with a link to a MIDI file, would automatically load the file and try to play it. 这是特别危险的,因为InternetExplorer在察看一个包含MIDI文件链接的网页时,会自动加载那个文件并播放它。
Switch load file: Name of the switch load file to use. Switchloadfile:要使用的开关加载文件名称。
Load the file into a Source instance. 将此文件加载到Source实例中。
Once a file is in the load file set, you can start taking chunks of the files to populate the load chunk queue according to the priorities that the chunk prioritizer dictates. 一旦某个文件位于加载文件集中,您就可以根据数据块优先排序器指定的优先级,开始使用文件的数据块来填充加载数据块队列。
It retrieves a URL for the target XML and makes an Ajax call to load the file. 它为目标XML检索URL,并调用Ajax来加载文件。
The first step is to load the file ( read_file()). 第一步是装载文件(readfile())。
Below it will have the configuration file, the directory for the load file set and the directory for the load chunk queue. 在该目录之下将是配置文件、加载文件集的目录以及加载数据块队列的目录。
DB2 provides a necessary switch load file that enables communications. DB2提供了支持通信所需的必要交换加载文件。
You will actually load this file in your HTML page using a tag, hence the output is treated as JavaScript. 实际上,您可以使用一个标签将这个文件加载到您的HTML页面,以后输出都是JavaScript。
A customer script uses the DB2 Load utility to load each file into the fact table. 一个客户脚本使用DB2Load实用程序将每个文件装载到事实表中。
In order to load each file conditionally based on the country of the dispatch address, you need to add gate conditions. 为了根据分发地址所在的国家有条件地装载每个文件,需要添加gate条件。
In this case, you don't even need the Phar extension installed, since PHP can natively load the file and extract its contents. 在这种情况下,您甚至不需要安装Phar扩展,因为PHP天生就可以加载文件并提取文件内容。
To populate the load chunk queue, the chunk prioritizer applies the specs to the various elements in the load file set and cuts a chunk as a file and puts it in the queue with the specified priority. 为了填充加载数据块队列,数据块优先排序器将一些规范应用于加载文件集中的各个元素,并将数据块作为一个文件进行剪切,然后为它指定一个优先级并将它放入队列中。
This request is made through the simplexml_load_file() function, thereby ensuring that the resulting XML document is automatically parsed and converted into a SimpleXML object. 此请求是通过simplexmlloadfile()函数实现的,从而确保最终的XML文档可被自动解析并转换成SimpleXML对象。
You can then load this file using the loadFont function, and then define it as the default using textFont. 之后,就可以使用loadFont函数加载这个文件,然后再使用textFont将它定义为默认。
Image features load from file, create dynamically, extensive edits same as AWT load from file, create dynamically, basic edits 图像特性从文件中加载,动态创建,可扩充地编辑与AWT相同从文件中加载,动态创建,基本编辑
You will build the gadget definition and load this file in the next step. 我们将构建个这个小工具定义并在下一个步骤中加载这个文件。
The pre-script might return a success or failure code, in the latter case the file will not enter into the load file set. 前脚本可能返回一个成功或失败代码,如果是后者,文件不会传入加载文件集。
Just before a file makes it into the load file set area, the pre-script is executed for that file. 在一个文件进入加载文件集区之前,会执行该文件的前脚本。
Load a file that contains tests. 加载一个包含测试的文件。
Based on the measuring data collected on experimental network, this paper analyzes the effect of background traffic, server CPU load and file size upon the performance of FTP protocol. 基于实验网中的一组测试数据,分析网络背景流量、服务器CPU负载和文件大小对FTP协议性能的影响。
Setup cannot find or load the file. 安装程序无法找到或加载文件。
Unable to load file information necessary for installation. 无法装载安装所必需的文件信息。
Unable to load freeze file just received. 无法立刻读取记忆文件回应信号。
Password protected load module file 口令保护装入模块程序
Optimizing a section file eliminates any unused disk space in the file and reduces the amount of time needed to load the file. 优化分区文件可以清除文件中没有用到的磁盘空间以减少打开文件所需的时间。